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Friday 17 December 2010

gender representation of men

this advert is showing strenght. you can tell by the way that you can see the man is standing and how the man is staring at the camera with a stern face.
this advert is representing independence you can feel that it ios independent because the man looks like he has no other worry.

Friday 26 November 2010

advert analyses

1.       The person in the advert is presented in a way that shows that they care about their country. •The person in the frame is large because he takes up most of the space in the picture.
               •The person is promoting that they believe in their country.
               •The camera is at a high angle because you can’t see the lower part of his body.
               •The picture is directed at people that believe in England to win the world cup.
       •The advert is showing health, family and confidence.
2.       In my photo there are no objects.
3.       The background is just plain white and the setting is in a room with white walls.
4.       The picture is in white and red to represent the colour of the English flag.
5.       The lighting looks artificial because at the side of the picture you can see a little part of where they may be a picture on the wall.
6.       I think that the picture has not been changed in any way.

Gender representation in adverts

The sports car is sold to men by strength and independence. What gives me the idea that the man in the photo is strong is the fact that he is snowboarding and to be able to snow board you have got to be strong.

the way that they are trying to represent the diving watch is by putting the watch inside water and showing that it is still working fine without any problems. I think that it would be advertised towards men because of the style of the watch.

The beer that is trying to be sold in this image is catching people eye because of the fact that you may see a lot of men drinking this beer and it also may make you look strong. This advertisement would be aimed mostly at men who would want to look strong.

what this compaany is trying to sell is toilet papre and they are making it seem good by showing that it is cheap and does the job.most toilet paraer companies aim at both men and women.

· The deodorant is being focused at men who want to be looked at by women for smelling nice. the aim of the advert is to attract a lot of people to buy the product.es c this pack of cigarettes are focused on people who want to smoke and want to look better than their friends.

The image of the iphone 4 was designed to attract people who want a touch screen phone with apps so that you can play games or even surf the internet whilst on the bus or walking through the street.

These pair of shoes are advertised at people who want to look lavish whilst they are walking through the street and for people who have a lot of money.

The picture of the aeroplane is advertising the company emirates. It is trying to make itself stand out from all of the other competition
This image of the Xbox stands out because of the cover and it is marketing the Xbox Corporation. To get more people to want to buy the console.

Wednesday 24 November 2010

female stereotypes

Picture A is a picture of the alpha female because she is studying hard and trying to get the best she can in life.
Picture B is of the beauty bunny because of the way that she is posing and experimenting with mascara.
Picture C is of the fashionista. You can see that because she is wearing fashionable clothing and she is posing for the camera.
Picture D is of the perfect mum you can see this because she is being pushed by her baby and none of the other photos have pictures of babies in them.
Picture E is of the granny. You can tell that it is a granny because of the way that she looks and the fact that you can see wrinkles on her face.