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Friday 9 December 2011

Film Trailer

 The trailer conventions that my film has is that my film has it includes key moments from the film. It also has the title of the film at the end of the trailer. The target audience for the film attack the block is people who are interested in watching action films. The main stars in the film are shown in the trailer and on the cover of the film. The trailer gives clues.The genre of the film has been represented through the characters because you can see the determination and the fright on their faces, the lighting and editing used makes the colours and the film effects look better for those who look out for special effects and other effects used. Yes whilst watching the trailer you see that there is a lot of action and fighting involved but in the poster all you see is the block in which most of the action happens. The advantages of using an internet trailer is that most teenagers or working class citizens use the internet in everyday life.

Friday 21 October 2011

Advert plan

2. The brand which I will be advertising is the ipod touch.
3. The ideologies that are attached to the brand are that if you are looking to buy this item you have to be a middle class citizen who is into technology.
4. My primary target audience is going to be people between the ages of !5-25, male and female, who are interested in technology and want the best gadgets that are on the market at this moment in time.
5. My secondary audience would be people who are either in their late 20s or young, between the ages of 10-14 who may be interested but not that capable of getting their head around how to use the product as easy as others.
6. The needs which I will be targeting mostly are self-actualization because we focus on trying to make our product the best because we love to improve our products not for us but for you.
7. The persuasive techniques that I am going to be using for my product are …..
8. The main colours that I will be using are black for the base of the product and all different colours for the apps used within the product.
Advert proposal
1. The narrative of my print advert is to aspire people to buy my product.
2. I am not going to have people in my advert.
3. The place where my product is going to be set is at home were you see someone using the ipod around the house and in the garden.
4. The slogan for my product is ‘the power of touch’
5. The overall message that I am trying to get across to the target audience is that by buying this new type of touch screen technology you will experience things in which you will never experience with any other product out there.
6. I would place my advert on TV programs that get a lot of viewers that are into technology and I would put up electronic posters which state what you can experience from buying this product. One other place in which I would put this advert is in magazines for readers who are into the latest and best selling gadgets on the market.

Wednesday 12 October 2011

Michael Joseph Jackson was born in America Indiana,Gary on the 29th of August 1958 and died on 25th of June 2009 in Los Angeles. His career started as him being part of a family group known to all of us as The Jackson 5.

Michael Jackson then continued his career when he went solo right about when Off the wall album was released. From then on Michael Joseph Jackson was known as, the ultimate legendary king of pop.

Although Michael Jackson was titled king of Pop he does not belong to any certain genre, but incorporates a wide range of genres and is very versatile. Mainly R&B and pop, dance and Funk.

Michael Jackson’s early image was when he had his hair in a fashionable style known back then as jerry curls for an example in Billie jean, bad and beat it. Moreover he had unique clothing in his video which always matched. Michael Jackson was also famous for his high pitched voice. Again such as the videos- Billie jean, bad and beat it.

Later on in his career Michael also showed off his deep voices as well as his high notes. He also had some new smoother moves and developed his moonwalk into being very versatile for an example he invented the round moonwalk. Also in Billie jean Michael Jackson was a dark brown colour however later on in his life he suffered from a skin disease called vitoligo which caused his skin to go into a light pale white colour for an example in the Blood on the dance floor Music video he is seen as very white and pale with new discovered moves of his own.

Michael Jackson was with three record companies Epic, Sony and Motown in Billie jean he is signed with epic they attempt to sell Michael Jackson with his signature moves on the cover of the albums and his high pitched voice however Sony attempt to sell Michael Jackson by just having his face on the cover and having a wide range of vocals on the album. Michael Jackson’s hairstyle in Billie jean period is in jerry curls where as in 2000 he goes for the bob cut which is also used for the invincible album.

In Billie jean the camera has mostly a full body shot of the star this may have been chosen because this was Michael’s first music video with epic and they wanted to sell him for what he really was.

However in Blood on the dance floor they have shots of his feet then his face then his body theses features may have been chosen to tell people that Michael was more of a dancing person than just a singer.
It had something to do with his weird life style of being a man still trapped in his childhood and having a lot of love and affection for young children and trying to change the world and make it a better place for them. Furthermore it can be agreed that his dancing was Top class and his vocals were Magnificent also being a man would have made it all the better.

Monday 26 September 2011

survey monkey results

What I found out is that most people prefer to pay over £100 for their product. I also noticed that most people preferred the brand apple than any other.

Survey monkey


Thursday 14 July 2011

Poster analysis

1. The typical codes and convections of the film attack the block are that the film has been made by the producers of Shaun of the dead, also you can see the names of each character.
2. The genre of the film attack the block is action. The way in which I figured out that the film attack the block was an action film was because in the trailer you see a lot of action and aggressive talk. You also see a lot of fast paced action. Facial expressions also show that the film is an action film because they are always out of breath or scared of what may happen next.
3. Most of the characters in the poster are represented as fearless and brave. You can see this by the way that most of them stand their body position shows that they are ready for whatever may happen next.
4. The poster can tell us that in the film there will be a lot of action happening around the block.
5. People that would be interested in going to see the film are people who enjoy watching action related films.
6. The poster refers to the film Shaun of the dead because the man directed both films.
7. The film company that produced the film attack the block are called ‘big talk productions’.

Wednesday 29 June 2011

advert analysis

EXAM picture 1
Facial expression: The expression on the models face is showing that she is confident and is trying to catch your attention. She is also using a direct mode of address.
Character type: The person that has been chosen for the advert is beyonce because it was her fragrance that she is trying to sell.
Gesture or posture: The model is posing with her hips slightly bent and her left arm on her face. She is standing in a position that will attract men because she is a female figure that is globally known.
Costume: The costume that the model is wearing is a red dress which symbolises the fragrance she is trying to sell also the costume that she is wearing is slightly open towards the middle and there is text which would catch the viewer’s attention.
Setting: the setting isn’t really eye-catching but it goes with the theme of the fragrance.
Colour & lighting: The colours that are used in the advert are sort of dull but at the same time you get the image that is being put across. There isn’t much lighting being used in the advert but the lighting that has been used has made a dramatic difference and it makes the product stand out a lot more. 
The product: The product that is being sold isn’t really big but at the same time it has a rather strange shape to it. I think that it has that certain style shape so that you can see that towards the bottom it is hot and at the top it looks like the heat is gone.
Target audience: The target audience is set mostly at women who like to look flash and always smell the part even if they are going just to and from work. The social class that the product is set at is middle class due to the fact that it doesn’t cost too much money but it’s at a fair price.
Picture 2
Facial expression: The models facial expression is showing charm and sexiness. She also looks like she is trying to catch people’s attention.
Character type: The reason why Britney Spears has been chosen is because it is her fragrance that she is trying to sell.
Gesture or posture: The model is sitting down and trying to catch people’s attention she is resting her left arm on her leg and trying to creative a sexy image as if to say that her fragrance is sexy as well as her.
Costume: The costume that she is wearing is symbolising attractiveness and it goes with the product she is trying to sell.
Setting: The setting is two different colours one is representing good and the other evil, the theme is meant to be focused on a circus.
Colour & lighting: The colours that are being used in the advert are a mix between high and low key colours; they have also used lighting behind the bottle of the fragrance so that it stands out.
The product: The product is small and in the bottom half of the photo but it still stands out, the shape of the product is round it could be to represent the tent of a circus which may be round.
Target audience: The people that this certain fragrance is classed at are women who enjoy using fragrances when they go to restaurants or even to a work party.
Comparison Questions.

1.      The main difference between the ways in which the models are being represented is that beyonce is standing up and showing off more of her body as if to say it’s really hot in the room. As for the model in the other picture she is showing attractiveness’.
2.      There isn’t a difference in the target audience because they are both been designed for women.
3.      They have used different persuasive techniques in the way that the first picture shows sexiness and the second picture shows attractiveness.

Wednesday 9 March 2011

original photos

These are the photos that were thaken for my advert. I havent yet decided which photo i want to use.