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Wednesday 29 June 2011

advert analysis

EXAM picture 1
Facial expression: The expression on the models face is showing that she is confident and is trying to catch your attention. She is also using a direct mode of address.
Character type: The person that has been chosen for the advert is beyonce because it was her fragrance that she is trying to sell.
Gesture or posture: The model is posing with her hips slightly bent and her left arm on her face. She is standing in a position that will attract men because she is a female figure that is globally known.
Costume: The costume that the model is wearing is a red dress which symbolises the fragrance she is trying to sell also the costume that she is wearing is slightly open towards the middle and there is text which would catch the viewer’s attention.
Setting: the setting isn’t really eye-catching but it goes with the theme of the fragrance.
Colour & lighting: The colours that are used in the advert are sort of dull but at the same time you get the image that is being put across. There isn’t much lighting being used in the advert but the lighting that has been used has made a dramatic difference and it makes the product stand out a lot more. 
The product: The product that is being sold isn’t really big but at the same time it has a rather strange shape to it. I think that it has that certain style shape so that you can see that towards the bottom it is hot and at the top it looks like the heat is gone.
Target audience: The target audience is set mostly at women who like to look flash and always smell the part even if they are going just to and from work. The social class that the product is set at is middle class due to the fact that it doesn’t cost too much money but it’s at a fair price.
Picture 2
Facial expression: The models facial expression is showing charm and sexiness. She also looks like she is trying to catch people’s attention.
Character type: The reason why Britney Spears has been chosen is because it is her fragrance that she is trying to sell.
Gesture or posture: The model is sitting down and trying to catch people’s attention she is resting her left arm on her leg and trying to creative a sexy image as if to say that her fragrance is sexy as well as her.
Costume: The costume that she is wearing is symbolising attractiveness and it goes with the product she is trying to sell.
Setting: The setting is two different colours one is representing good and the other evil, the theme is meant to be focused on a circus.
Colour & lighting: The colours that are being used in the advert are a mix between high and low key colours; they have also used lighting behind the bottle of the fragrance so that it stands out.
The product: The product is small and in the bottom half of the photo but it still stands out, the shape of the product is round it could be to represent the tent of a circus which may be round.
Target audience: The people that this certain fragrance is classed at are women who enjoy using fragrances when they go to restaurants or even to a work party.
Comparison Questions.

1.      The main difference between the ways in which the models are being represented is that beyonce is standing up and showing off more of her body as if to say it’s really hot in the room. As for the model in the other picture she is showing attractiveness’.
2.      There isn’t a difference in the target audience because they are both been designed for women.
3.      They have used different persuasive techniques in the way that the first picture shows sexiness and the second picture shows attractiveness.