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Monday 30 April 2012

Advert Explanation

The ideologies that I’m putting across to the viewer is that purchasing this product will make you look rich and up to date with modern day technology and social acceptable around others.
My advert appeals to my audience because my audience is mostly rich people who want to be up to date with the latest technology and business class people who also want to seem like they have lot of money.
The needs which I have addressed in my advert are esteem because purchasing this product will make you seem like you have achieved something making people respect you and also it will give people confidence.
The persuasive technique which I have used in my advert is social appeal because buying this product will make you want to partially show off to others that you have it. I have also used personal appeal because personally you will look at it and feel happy with yourself knowing that you have such a new and futuristic product.

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