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Friday 4 May 2012

Film Planning

The title of my film is Blur and the genre is Horror Thriller.
The film company which I distributed is Warner Bros because it is a mainstream film company which have produced some of the world’s best films. Other similar films that they have produced are Clash of the Titans, Sherlock Holmes and Happy feet.
The target audience is people aged 18 and over who enjoy watching scary films.
The key characters in my film are Morgan freeman and Eddie Murphy, because they are successful actors and they are presented as evil characters in the film. I will not be challenging any stereotypes.
The film is based at night down back alleyways were the main character strikes killing his enemies and disposing of their bodies were they are later found by police.

Monday 30 April 2012

Evaluation of storyboard

The poster conventions that I have used are I have out the Warner bros sign at the front which is a well known film company so it could make people think that they only accept the best films, which could make people want to see it.
The representation that I have created in my poster is that you should only watch the film if you don’t mind things jumping out at you, or if you don’t mind scary films.
The trailer conventions that I have used are certain images grab people’s attention and the trailer is a dark trailer which gives away that it is either a horror or thriller.
I have represented my characters as scary unknown characters with no identity throughout the trailer until the end.
The film company which I have identified is Warner bros because they are worldwide and known for some of the best films and therefore people may want to watch my film because they enjoy Warner bros films.

Advert Explanation

The ideologies that I’m putting across to the viewer is that purchasing this product will make you look rich and up to date with modern day technology and social acceptable around others.
My advert appeals to my audience because my audience is mostly rich people who want to be up to date with the latest technology and business class people who also want to seem like they have lot of money.
The needs which I have addressed in my advert are esteem because purchasing this product will make you seem like you have achieved something making people respect you and also it will give people confidence.
The persuasive technique which I have used in my advert is social appeal because buying this product will make you want to partially show off to others that you have it. I have also used personal appeal because personally you will look at it and feel happy with yourself knowing that you have such a new and futuristic product.

Film poster final

Friday 27 April 2012

Music video evaluation

I was asked to create a music video. For the music video I had to create a story board stating what it was I would be filming, I had to produce long shots midshots and close-ups to show that I used a wide range of shots in the music video and not just one camera angle.
My initial aims for the music video was to produce a story based music video which is not like most Dubstep music videos because it has a completely different theme to most videos because it changes the concept that in most Dubstep videos the time of day in which it is set is Either morning or afternoon, the genre of music I used was Dubstep and my primary target audience was teenagers of any gender who are interested in Dubstep and like to watch music videos which have a meaning.
The genre of the song is Dubstep therefore the style we have used is a grunge type style to fit with the genre of music, the relationship between the lyrics and the video is that the gold dust is particles which are worth a lot and are mainly found in places such as mines. So in the video the main character is approached by youths which could symbolize that they are after the gold dust that she owns. Also there is a relationship between the music and the visuals because the video is in sync with the music.
The shots vary throughout the video there are long shots mid shot and close ups throughout the whole music video.

My music video represents specific groups in society such as vulnerable teenage girls who are targeted by other young teenagers. The person was represented in many different ways from close-ups to face shots and long shots, also there is an edited part of the music video were you see the main character scared but at the end has come out on top.
The costumes worn are street costumes which make the characters look as if they are youths who are up to no good. Some of the lighting which is used makes certain scenes look better than others and some of the lighting used makes people stand out whilst also giving a suburban look to the scene, also adding to the fact that the characters look like youths.
The teenagers in my music video are stereotypical teenagers who wear hoodies and walk around the street looking for trouble on the other hand I have challenged usual Dubstep videos by changing the concept that most Dubstep videos do not have violence and are not set at night in urban areas.

Our music video will be shown on MTV Dance mainly due to the beat of the song would make people want to get up and dance also when the beat drops that is when a lot of dancing in the video occurs which may also get viewers to stand up and dance along to the music.
An online video will also be provided for people who really like the song and the video that is provided with it therefore putting it online will help people who enjoy listening and dancing along to the song able to listen to it more frequently rather than having to wait for it to appear on TV.

conventions of music videos

Kelly Rowland ‘lay it on me’ the relationship between the song and the lyrics is that in the song you notice a variety of men around one woman which signifies that the lyrics and song are linked together.
Men and women are looked at as very attractive because of the way they move their bodies and the amount of clothes they are wearing.
There is no relation to any video or artist in this video.
The song starts off slow and you don’t really recognize anything happening but later on in the song (the chorus) you notice that there is a lot of dancing and movement of the body, there is also a lot of sexual contact between men and women.
You do see a lot of close ups of her body in this song. You also see shots from far away which are of her with other people too. One other thing is that you see a lot of body shots and a few pan movements whilst dance routines are being performed.
This video shows a lot of men only in underwear and women in underwear too. The video also shows men’s bodies and at the beginning you see another man singing but he is wearing suitable clothing, towards the end you notice an elephant in the background.

conventions of music videos

‘Rollup’ the video is related to the lyrics because in the song you see a man talking to a female explaining that he is better than the man she is with at the moment.
In the video you see men and women, the women are shown as to be very attractive.
No one is referred to in the video.
The song has one tempo it does not slow down or speeds up but in the chorus you notice that he is always around one specific female.
You get to see close ups of the man and women together, when the women meets her friends the camera is faraway. Also when you see wiz khalifa singing there is a close up of just his face.
In the video everyone is dressed casually.